All in a Day's Drizzle: John Higgins
Ok 2 things to note 1) these pictures are all insane and honestly kinda look gross. And 2) they made me slightly worried about my health.
Friday: 7am
But to begin, I get to set at 7am and immediately have 48 ounces of black coffee and forget to have a single glass of water.
Then I sadly start my day off strong and have a single packet of gushers.

Okay so then hours after coffee and gushers, I shock the world and get an amazing lunch from Del Frisco's. Grilled chicken and mashed potatoes. If I was at the restaurant I'd get steak, but I think chicken travels better.
I got the shrimp cocktail as well but it was more for the group. No one else ate it, so I basically had two lunches.
Then I get home and immediately fall asleep. It's important to note that Fridays and Saturdays at SNL are the hardest days to have a normal eating schedule so it's all extremely random.
But the next day, Saturday, I wake up with my wife Emily and my dog Stella.
I have a coffee from my Jura espresso machine and go edit all day.
*Side Note, John's wife Emily endorses Grazola*
Even though the gushers might not indicate it, I love cooking. Every Sunday after the show I'll make something I'm excited about. This week I marinated boneless short rib from Citarella in a teriyaki marinader. Then I chopped up some bell peppers and made a toasted sesame salad on the side. My sweetie liked it.
Please enjoy these BTS photos from the Skydiving Digital Short.