Pure Olive Oil vs Extra Virgin: What's the Difference?

Pure Olive Oil vs Extra Virgin: What's the Difference?

From pure, to virgin, to light, to extra virgin, the olive oil aisle can be a wordy and confusing place. So what's really the difference between pure and extra virgin olive oil?

When it comes to olive oil, the options can feel more complex than deciding what to actually make for dinner. There's extra virgin, pure, light, virgin... the list goes on. Standards of quality and price range also vary across the grocery store aisle.  Throw in all those marketing buzz words and 'imported from' labels, and knowing the real differences feels impossible. So what's the difference between pure olive oil and extra virgin olive oil? Let's dive in! 

The Production Process - Who's Keeping it Real? 

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO): EVOO is made from the first cold pressing of the olives. The olives are crushed and the oil that flows out is bottled as-is. No excessive heat, chemicals, no mixing (some companies advertise as EVOO, but still mix and cut with other oils––make sure to do your research!!). Just, pure fresh olivey goodness. 

Pure Olive Oil: Despite the name, "pure" does not equal quality when it comes to olive oil. This oil goes through a refining process where it is treated with chemicals to neutralize flavor, removing natural impurities. Afterward, a touch of EVOO is added back to give it a stronger olive taste. 

Flavor Difference - Who's Packing the Punch? 

EVOO has a more full-bodied, fruity, slightly bitter taste that makes it pop. When you're sizzling, sautéing, roasting, dressing, or drizzling with EVOO, you're doing it with a flavor companion. EVOO adds to the flavor of the dish. Pure olive oil on the other hand is much more neutral, thanks to the refining process. If both oils were in a movie, EVOO would be the main character or a supporting role, while pure olive oil would be an extra. 

Health Benefits - Who's Doing the Most?

If you want to absorb the plethora of heart, skin, and digestive health benefits olives (and their polyphenols) have to offer... EVOO is the way to go! Packed with antioxidants and healthy fats, EVOO is not only a flavor MVP but a health one as well. It's been linked to reduced inflammation, better heart health, and enough good vibes to keep your gut smiling. 

While pure olive oil does still retain some of the monounsaturated fats found in EVOO, a lot of the heart-healthy nutrients and antioxidants are lost during the refining process. So if you're looking for a new healthy cooking oil to add into your diet, try EVOO! 

Why settle for a drop, when you can get a whole bottle?

The Difference

We may be a little biased, but if you're looking for a tasty and healthy cooking oil, why settle for a drop of added flavor, when you can have a whole bottle of 100% uncut and unblended bottle EVOO. After all, when it comes to great flavor and nutrition, going extra is really worth it!