Central Market Love Dip
16 ounces cream cheese
1 clove garlic
8 sprigs fresh cilantro
1/2 medium lemon
1/2 cup chunky medium tomato salsa
1 teaspoon dried basil
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
Active Time: 10
Full Time: 10
Put cream cheese soften in mixer bowl - can be a stand mixer bowl or a bowl to use a handmixer in. Let it soften to room temp.
While it softens, mince 1 garlic clove, add to the cream cheese.
Then chop cilantro leaves coarsely (not the stems!) Set aside.
Juice 1/2 medium lemon (roughly 1 tablespoon). Set aside.
Beat cream cheese and garlic with paddle attachment on medium until light and fluffy, 3 to 4 minutes.
Add cilantro, lemon juice, salsa, basil, salt. Mix gently by with a silicone spatula or soft wooden cooking paddle.
Finish with a healthy topping of Drizzle.