EVOO Potato Chip S'mores
Nothing makes us happier than sitting around the campfire eating s'mores with the sounds of sizzlefied chip crunches!
Active Time: 30 Minutes
Full Time: 45 Minutes
Rough chop your chocolate bar.
Place chocolate chunks in a double boiler and add two tablespoons of Drizzle.
Stir the chocolate until melted.
Once melted, add one potato chip to the melted chocolate, flip, drip excess, and place on a parchment paper lined tray.
Once you have the desired amount of chocolate covered potato chips, place in your freezer to harden.
Light a fire on your grill and toast your marshmallows to desired crispiness.
Layer a graham cracker, marshmallow, chocolate covered potato chip, and make a s'more.
Crunch and enjoy!