Ithaca Hummus' Veggie Sandwich
4 slices bread of your choice (we went with whole grain)
⅓ cup Ithaca Hummus, we used Lemon Garlic
1 cup spinach
½ cup peeled carrots, grated
8 peeled cucumber slices
6 avocado slices
4 tomato slices
Handful sliced red onion
Alfalfa sprouts
Active Time: 15 minutes
Full Time: 20 minutes
Brushed the bread slices with Sizzle and bake at 400 F for 5-10 minutes (until golden brown).
Add a nice layer of your hummus on your bread slices (we love Ithaca Hummus' Lemon Garlic flavor). Then drizzle on a little Drizzle.
Divide your veggies across two slices, and top with the other pieces.
Slice and serve!