Roasted Pork Chops with Mommenpop Seville Orange
Active Time: 1.5 hrs
Full Time: 1.5 hrs
Before you begin, pour yourself a glass of Mommenpop Seville Orange on ice. Though it’s used as an ingredient in this recipe, it’s first and foremost a delightful drink to sip on—especially while you’re cooking. Citrusy, bright and refreshing! Beware, the fried fennel sticks are a dream... they’ll be hard to resist eating while you’re assembling the other dish components!
For the fennel sticks: Bring water to a boil in a medium stockpot and season with salt.
Blanch the fennel sticks in the water for 2-3 minutes, then transfer to a sheet tray to cool. Allow the fennel to cool.
Put the flour, beaten eggs, and Parmigiano-Reggiano all in separate dishes. Dust a few of the fennel sticks in flour, then the beaten eggs, and finally the Parmigiano-Reggiano.
Set onto a dry sheet tray lined with parchment. Only do a few fennel sticks at a time and when finished, leave sticks at room temperature.
In a medium saucepan, heat 4 cups of Sizzle to 350° F, no hotter. Do not crowd the sauce-pot: place only a few crusted fennel sticks gently into the pot and fry for 1-2 minutes. Remove and drain on dry paper towels.
For the pork: Preheat an oven to 400° F. Add a tablespoon or so of Sizzle to a large sauté pan over high heat. Season each pork chop individually just before cooking. Once the Sizzle has reached its smoking point gently place one pork chop into the pan. Turn down the heat to medium and sear each side for 5 minutes.
Repeat this process with the same pan for the next three pork chops. When done, place all four chops into the oven for 8 minutes.
At the same time, heat the same pan that the chops were cooked in to medium-high heat. Add all the chanterelle mushrooms to the pan and sear for 5 minutes.
Deglaze the pan with Mommenpop Seville Orange, then add the thyme, a quick zest of an orange (zest maybe ¼ of it) and Drizzle. Set aside the mushrooms.
To finish: Remove the pork chops from the oven and allow to rest. Pile the mushrooms and fried fennel on top of the pork chops. Pour yourself (and your guests!) some more Mommenpop when you’re ready to enjoy your meal!