Green Beans with Shallot Confit Vinaigrette

Green Beans with Shallot Confit Vinaigrette

These are perfect green beans, period.

By Edmond Hong


2 lbs green beans

3 cloves of garlic

2 lemons

1 cup parsley, thinly sliced

Salt and pepper to taste

For the Shallot Confit Vinaigrette

1 lb shallots

2 sprigs thyme

2-3 cups Sizzle

2 tbsp sherry vinegar

Salt and pepper to taste


Active Time: 30 min

Full Time: 2 1/2 hrs

Serves 8

For the shallot confit—begin by finely dicing the shallots.


Place your diced shallots into a small pot and pour in Sizzle until the shallots are barely covered. Bring the pot up to a low simmer on low-medium heat.


Once at a simmer, drop the temperature to low, add the thyme sprigs, and let it slowly cook for 2.5-3 hours.


Once the shallots are fully cooked through and tender, set it aside until you’re ready to cook the green beans.


For the green beans—wash the beans and peel off any stems.


Bring a large pot of salted water to a rolling boil on high heat to blanch the green beans. Have a large bowl of ice water on the side for an ice bath once the green beans are blanched.


Gently place a large handful of green beans into the boiling water for about 30-45 seconds. They should turn into a darker green color and test one before pulling them out. They should still be crisp but have a little bit of give. You don’t want to over cook them because they will be sautéd later.


Once they are blanched, move the green beans into an ice bath.


Wait for the blanching pot to come back to a boil before starting the next batch. Work in batches to make sure that the beans cook evenly.


Once all the beans are blanched and cooled down, strain them and you can store them in the fridge.


When you’re ready to sauté the beans, get a large sauté pan and place onto high heat. Separately, add the sherry vinegar, salt, and black pepper into the shallot confit.


Add a tablespoon of Sizzle to the hot pan. 


Place a large handful of the blanched green beans into the pan and sauté on high heat. You want this to be a hard and quick cook on high heat. You want to gently sear and get a little browning onto the green beans. If your heat is not high enough, your beans will start to seep out water and you will lose the crunch.


Once your beans have been sautéed, add a couple teaspoons of lemon juice into the pan with the beans.


Once you mix the lemon juice in, place your sautéed green beans into a large bowl or place.


To plate it up—once the beans are in a bowl or plate, generously spoon the shallot confit vinaigrette over the beans (try to scoop more of the shallots than the Sizzle), lemon zest, and thinly sliced parsley on top of the green beans and serve immediately.
